Source code for AdaptivePELE.validator.controlFileValidator

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import json
import numbers
import warnings
from AdaptivePELE.validator import validatorBlockNames
from AdaptivePELE.constants import blockNames
    # Check if the basestring type if available, this will fail in python3
except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]def check_types(original_value, dest_str): return any([isinstance(original_value, eval(x)) for x in dest_str.split("|")])
[docs]def validate(control_file): """ Validate an AdaptivePELE control file to ensure that there are no errors :param controlFile: Adaptive sampling control file :type controlFile: str :raise ValueError: If a error is found in the control file """ isCorrect = True with open(control_file, 'r') as f: jsonFile = try: parsedJSON = json.loads(jsonFile) except ValueError: print(jsonFile) raise ValueError("Invalid JSON file!") for block in dir(validatorBlockNames.ControlFileParams): if block.startswith('__'): continue block_obj = getattr(validatorBlockNames, eval("validatorBlockNames.ControlFileParams.%s" % block)) controlfile_obj = eval("blockNames.ControlFileParams.%s" % block) if block == "generalParams": try: blockCorrect = validateGeneralBlock(block_obj, parsedJSON[controlfile_obj]) isCorrect = isCorrect and blockCorrect except KeyError: warnings.warn("Block %s not found in control file!" % controlfile_obj) isCorrect = False else: try: blockCorrect = validateBlock(block_obj, parsedJSON[controlfile_obj]) isCorrect = isCorrect and blockCorrect except KeyError: warnings.warn("Block %s not found in control file!" % controlfile_obj) isCorrect = False if isCorrect: print("Congratulations! No errors found in your control file!") else: print(jsonFile) raise ValueError("There are errors in your control file!!!") return True
[docs]def validateBlock(blockName, controlFileBlock): """ Validate the a block of the control file to ensure that there are no errors. Raise a warning if an error is found. :param blockName: Dictionary containing the parameters and possible types for the block :type blockName: dict :param controlFileBlock: Dictionary containing the parameters specified in the control file for the block :type controlFileBlock: dict :returns: bool -- Wheter and error has been found in a block block """ isCorrect = True try: blockType = controlFileBlock["type"] except KeyError: isCorrect = False warnings.warn("Missing mandatory parameter type in block") # Check if type selected is valid if not isinstance(blockType, basestring): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (blockType, 'str', type(blockType).__name__)) isCorrect = False # check for mandatory parameters try: for mandatory, value in blockName.types[blockType].items(): try: if not check_types(controlFileBlock['params'][mandatory], value): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (mandatory, value, type(controlFileBlock['params'][mandatory]).__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError as err: warnings.warn("%s missing: Mandatory parameter %s in %s not found." % (str(err), mandatory, blockName.__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError as err: warnings.warn("Missing %s: Type %s in %s not found." % (str(err), blockType, blockName.__name__)) isCorrect = False # check rest of parameters specified try: for param, value in controlFileBlock["params"].items(): try: if not check_types(value, blockName.params[param]): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (param, blockName.params[param], type(value).__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError: warnings.warn("Parameter %s in block %s not recognized." % (param, blockName.__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError as err: warnings.warn("Missing %s in %s" % (str(err), blockName.__name__)) isCorrect = False for block in dir(blockName): if not block.startswith('__') and block not in ["params", "types"]: # The parameters blocks for density and threshold calculator are # not mandatory if block not in controlFileBlock: continue try: types_dict = eval("blockName.%s" % block)["types"] params_dict = eval("blockName.%s" % block)["params"] except KeyError as err: warnings.warn("Type %s in %s not found." % (str(err), block)) isCorrect = False try: blockType = controlFileBlock[block]["type"] except KeyError: isCorrect = False warnings.warn("Missing mandatory parameter type in block %s" % block) if blockType not in types_dict: warnings.warn("Type %s in %s not found." % (blockType, blockName.__name__)) isCorrect = False if not isinstance(blockType, basestring): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (blockType, 'str', type(blockType).__name__)) isCorrect = False # check rest of parameters specified # Do a get on the "params" block and return an empty list if not found paramsControlFile = controlFileBlock[block].get("params", {}) for param, value in paramsControlFile.items(): try: if not check_types(value, params_dict[param]): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (param, params_dict[param], type(value).__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError: warnings.warn("Parameter %s not recognized." % param) isCorrect = False return isCorrect
[docs]def validateGeneralBlock(blockName, controlFileBlock): """ Validate the generalParams block of the control file to ensure that there are no errors. Raise a warning if an error is found. :param blockName: Dictionary containing the parameters and possible types for the block :type blockName: dict :param controlFileBlock: Dictionary containing the parameters specified in the control file for the block :type controlFileBlock: dict :returns: bool -- Wheter and error has been found in the generalParams block """ isCorrect = True for key, value in blockName.mandatory.items(): try: if not check_types(controlFileBlock[key], value): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (key, value, type(controlFileBlock[key]).__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError: warnings.warn("Mandatory parameter %s in GeneralParams not found." % key) isCorrect = False for key, value in controlFileBlock.items(): try: if not check_types(value, blockName.params[key]): warnings.warn("Type for %s should be %s and instead is %s" % (key, value, type(blockName.params[key]).__name__)) isCorrect = False except KeyError: warnings.warn("Parameter %s in GeneralParams not recognized." % key) isCorrect = False return isCorrect
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: validate(sys.argv[1]) else: controlFiles = ["tests/data/3ptb_data/integrationTest%i.conf" % i for i in range(1, 4)] for contfile in controlFiles: print("Validating control file %s" % contfile) validate(contfile)